An Inspiration

Perfect imperfection

What’s up everyone. I wanted to share something with you. Just last week a group of students told me that I was an inspiration and it stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t know what to say besides asking why and their response was that no matter how hard something may have seemed to me, I never gave up. This crazy road that we call life can be quite bumpy and throw you off course, but you can’t give up. If you lose, take it as a lesson and try again.

I remember before coming here I was sitting at my desk thinking of ways for me to come to Colombia and be with the love of my life. At one point I thought it would be impossible, but I kept fighting and eventually I won that war and here I am in Colombia, and I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life.

We will all encounter people who will say we cannot do something, but do not believe that. A long time ago I heard a saying that stuck with me, “those who say they can and those who say they are both usually right”. I will leave you with this. We all have the potential to do incredible things. Go out there and chase your dreams no matter what they will be because in the end, I want memories and not regrets. Thank you.

By: John Layne

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