Second ASW Spelling Bee / Segundo Spelling Bee de ASW

Perfect imperfection

In November, American School Way hosted its second national English spelling contest, commonly known as the Spelling Bee. On this occasion, over 300 students from all our branches across the country participated.

On November 30th, the final for the basic students (A1 and A2) took place, and the winners were:

  • First place: Wolfgang Andrei Garcés Aguirre de Plaza de las Américas – Bogotá.
  • Second place: Isabella Rico Quiñones de Premium Plaza – Medellín.
  • Third place: Laura Juliana Mora Gómez de Tunal – Bogotá.

On December 1st, the final for the advanced students (from B1) occurred, and the winners were:

  • First place: Liloe Yuliana Toro Rodríguez de La Felicidad – Bogotá.
  • Second place: Michell Valentina Cifuentes López de Suba – Bogotá.
  • Third place: Alejandro Acosta Castaña de Premium Plaza – Medellín.

You can find the photos in the following link:   https://asweduco- 9jGAJPNhNlHW7yzGdN1Bw?e=lFq2Pr

Also, don’t forget, if you want the opportunity to win prizes like our competitors, follow our social media where we announce the various contests we organize throughout the year.

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